Director Benito Montorio born in Italy, began his career with a passion for capturing real-life stories, immersed in dangerous organizations as a documentary filmmaker.

In his first documentary with the BBC, “Hooligans", he went undercover with Lazio fans (one the world’s most dangerous sets of football supporters in the world) and earned himself a Grierson nomination. He was subsequently commissioned by the BBC to make a series of current affairs films that went on to win multiple awards.

Benito went undercover with the British gangs running Ibiza in “Drug Land”, directed an award winning film about the abduction of footballers’ mothers in one of the most dangerous favelas in Brazil in “Ransom City”, and spent six months documenting the victims of the drug trade in Bolivia for “12 Year Old Cocaine Smuggler,” He then went onto make a film about the “boss of bosses” and head of the Sicilian Mafia in “The Real Godfather.”

As a commercials director, Benito has established himself as a master of his craft, having made standout work for VW, Johnnie Walker, Guinness, Robinsons & John Lewis. His commercial work has earned a plethora of industry awards including 10 British Arrows, 3 Cannes Lions, multiple Craft Awards and a D&AD for Best Direction for his Cesar spot.

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